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Henry Yakushev
Henry Yakushev

Install Ajax Control Toolkit Vs 2008 ((BETTER))

So, even if you have no intention of ever writing any controls of your own,the toolkit is worth downloading just to get access to the over thirty controlsthat you can start using immediately.

Install Ajax Control Toolkit Vs 2008

Download Zip:

Before we get started, you will most likely want to play around with the sample website that is included with the toolkit. It offers a perfect way to get an idea of what the different controls included in the toolkit do and how they work. If you want to see the code behind the samples, you will want to set up a local copy. To do this, simply follow these simple steps.

First make sure that the ajax control toolkit is strongly named. This is mandatory if you want to install it in GAC. Then use gacutil to install it in GAC. You can create a postbuild event if you want to run it from Visual Studio.

Installing the Ajax Control Toolkit NuGet package also updates your Web.config file. The tag prefix ajaxToolkit is registered so that you can easily use Ajax Control Toolkit controls within any page without adding a @Register directive to the page.

Previously, Telerik.Web.Design.dll was installed in the GAC by the automated installer of the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX suite. Adding it to the GAC was necessary because of Visual Studio 2008 that could not otherwise read design-time code and has caused various issues with later versions because it prevented proper upgrades and broke references.

When installing SQL Server 2008 R2 on a Windows XP (or, according to the comments, Windows 7) development machine that has been around for quite some time, I got an error stating an unhandled exception occured in the application (see image). The error showed up directly upon startup and read:

Mentor: Michael Dale ... or anyone else with more experience with firefox extensions/ffmpeg2theora ? Abstract: OggPusher is a proposed cross platform packaging of ffmpeg2theora as a browser extension. This exposes JavaScript hooks to web applications enabling easy client side transcodes from high quality source originals such as DV or MPEG2 and uploading into web based content management systems.Sample Application Flow: is as follows: A user visits a oggPusher enabled web service. The firefox user is prompted to install a browser extension via firefox's .xpi extension framework. Once enabled, the web service upload interface does a call to the oggPusher to expose a "open file" dialog box on the client. The websevice access the oggPusher api to set the requested transcode bitrate and other transcode options (such as interlace, number of audio channels, resolution etc). The client selects the high quality local file and begins transcoding to a temporary location on local disk. If there is an error in transcoding the upload is aborted and an error is exposed to web application. Once the file is done transcoding, the web interface has the client issue a POST of the transcoded file.(if the server supports more efficient PUT than that can be used). The amount of the file that has been transcoded and the amount uploaded are exposed via javascript hooks so that web application javascript interface can update the client on upload progress. If the the upload connection is reset a ajax request on the client can request "bytes upload so far" from the server and have oggPusher begin uploading from that point in the temporary local ogg file. A local file hash could be rechecked to insure the local file has not changed. The server can then do a simple join on the uploaded pieces, enabling reusable uploads over existing http protocol. If the server does not support resumes the file will be uploaded from the start.


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